Friday, January 15, 2010

People and Blinkers

Ok this is my first time at doing this. I tend to rant and rave about things every day and a few people said I should try this. So here goes...

I find it amazing that people who drive find it difficult to use the blinker when making a turn. At first I thought it was just a thing here in the Jackson area. But I think that was mainly because I never paid attention. When I moved here it just became so prevalent. When I go home or when I travel other places I have noticed it more and more. It's amazing that all it takes is a simple one inch movement of the index finger to turn it on or off. It's not like it takes a lot of thought either. Just flip your friggin' finger up or down depending on the direction you are going to turn or change lanes. The one that really gets me is the "Oh crap that's my turn." Let me break it down for you. Person A is driving along in their vehicle followed by Person B. A is driving and realizes one of a few things: Number 1. They are following directions and realized they missed a turn or are going way too fast to make the next turn. Or Number 2. They have the wonderful ADD moment and go "Ooooh what's that over there?" All this time B is following behind A oblivious to the idiocracy that is going on in that vehicle. So A slams on the brakes and jerks the wheel. This causes B to have to slam on their brakes, maybe smash into the back of A, or run off the road. All this can be avoided by paying attention or just using your blinker. (I know that was long winded and maybe confusing, but hey, this is a rant after all). And before anyone says anything, yes I know I have done it too. I have made turns with out blinkers or switched lanes without it. But I at least try to make a conscious effort to use my blinker. I do at least feel bad when I realize I didn't use it. I'm not always the best driver i.e. I text when I drive (a whole other rant in itself) and I occasionally have road rage. But all in all I just had to vent on this a little bit. It happens everyday and I get so mad but then realize the world is full of idiots that we all have to deal with. Well that's it for my first of what is to become many Rants by Gus. Anyway feel free to leave questions, comments, praises, criticisms, if you agree, disagree or whatever. You can leave them here or on my Facebook. Just let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. I try my best not to be the typical Jackson driver. I'm sure you know what this means... I use my blinker, stay a safe distance away from the car in front of me, and guess what else I do?! I LET PEOPLE OVER! I mean, really... I think we could both write an entire rant on drivers who just will NOT let people over. It's a lot worse in Jackson than anywhere else (that I've noticed, at least). Anyway, thanks for letting me reflect on being a courteous Jackson driver. I think I'll go have a drink now. :) (Ignore my profile; it's for school.)
